Thursday, August 6, 2009

Modern Ponchos

I'm still recovering from our heatwave here in Seattle last week, so why am I working on warm clothes? Because I have discovered some trims that begged for a good project. Yummy cakes, Little Red Riding Hood, panda bears...

And I have some monsters and spacemen for little boys...
I started off making ponchos for Kate a few years ago because she wanted to dress herself but didn't quite have the skills to put on a jacket or sweater. Since then, I've refined my pattern from upcycling old sweaters to using the dreamy double-sided fleece (that I also use for the personalized blankets). Last year I was in a rush to get out of the door and threw one of Kate's old ponchos over Caroline's head quickly and that's when I realized how perfectly convenient these ponchos are for babies too--size is not a big deal and no more fighting wriggly little arms into sleeves!

So, here are my latest Etsy listings. First, the panda poncho....
and the cakes poncho...

Summers go too quickly here so I don't know why I'm rushing things ahead, but I just can't help myself. Enjoy! There are more to come...

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